Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Free e107 CMS Script

Free News and CMS Script
e107 CMS Script
Free Community Script

e107 CMS Script

Links : Free CMS Scripts | Free Community Scripts | Free News Scripts

e107 is a content management system written in PHP and using the popular open source MySQL database system for content storage. It's completely free, totally customisable and in constant development.

Quick FAQ

Q. So what's the difference between 0.6172 and 0.7?
A. 0.7 is an almost total rewrite of the 0.6x code. It's quicker, leaner, far less server intensive and has about a billion more features than 0.6x, and that's no exaggeration. Really.

Q. So can I use 0.7 for my site?
A. Certainly! It's highly recommended.

Q. So why is it called e107?
A. It just is. Stupid name, maybe, but there it is.

Q. What's the deal with the version numbers? Is it stable??
A. It's just our versioning system, It doesn't imply stability or otherwise. Compared with other applications it's equivalent in age / stability , you could argue that it's a 3.x release.

Q. Is e107 based on/forked off any other content management system?
A. No. Right from version 0.1, e107 has been completely coded by the Development Team from scratch. We do use some external code from other sources (XML parsers, archive scripts etc), these are all fully credited and linked to, under the terms of the GPL licence.

Q. Give me a good reason why I should use e107
A. That's not a question but here goes anyway. We're very proud of the large and committed community that's grown up around us. Not only large and committed but polite and helpful too (this has been something we've encouraged since day one). It has massive plugin and theme resources which grow every day. It's completely and totally free and always will be, you don't even need to register anywhere to download it. But the main reason we'd give is that it's coded by a team who care about the product. None of us make any money from e107, it's something we do in our spare time, but it's true to say we devote far too much time to it for our own (and our families) good. The result of this is a system we're proud to put our names to. But there are hundreds of content management systems to choose from, if you're not sure e107 suits your needs, head over to OpenSourceCMS and try a few out.

Visit site : http://e107.org

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